What is Biodynamics?

The term biodynamics sounds like some high-tech agricultural process. In fact, it is quite the opposite.  It is an acknowledgment of the basic principles at work in Nature and the application of those principles to the growing of food. The impetus for this movement was provided by the scientist, philosopher and mystic, Rudolph Steiner. Steiner’s 1924 Agriculture Lectures outlined the process that was to become known as biodynamic farming. His predominant message was, "Heal the soil." The forerunner to organics, biodynamics is the only agricultural process that actually increases rather than depletes our natural topsoil reserve.

In addition to rejecting the chemical solution to the
problems that agriculture was experiencing, Steiner
emphasized the importance of cosmic, telluric
(earth-related) and spiritual influences on the
production of healthy, life-enhancing food. Like
the farmers who adhere to the Farmer’s Almanac,
Biodynamic farmers and gardeners believe in the
rhythmic influence of the sun, moon, planets and
stars on the growth of plant life. Ground preparation,
planting, cultivation and harvesting are done according
to these rhythms. The natural, soil-enriching prepar-
ations developed by Steiner and his followers produce
a humus-forming organic fertilizer that energizes the
soil and the plants that grow in it. Biodynamic farmers
believe that healthy soil and a respect for the natural
forces that influence plant growth will produce more
complete and vital food for the nourishment of man
and animals. Theirs is a spiritual mission to produce
the purest, most vital food for humankind .
For more information visit www

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